Shoeshine boy back on the street
  • | | November 26, 2009 09:50 AM


“I feel bored of staying at home so I’ve get back to my job as a shoe shiner to earn some money. I can not rely on donated money for my disease treatment, I have my future to worry about,” said Nguyen Van Sao, the shoeshine boy, who faced death on the street days ago.

A new day for Sao. As the weather has become less cold in the last few days, the now “well-known” shoe shiner, Nguyen Van Sao is working again on the street. This time Sao had more customers than the last time I saw him so I had to wait for a long time to talk to him. He said that after his story was published, people knew about his heart disease and understood that he was not a drug addict, so almost everyone coming here for coffee asked him to shine their shoes. He polished dozens of shoes for some days. Some people asked him to polish their shoes even when they are still clean and shiny. He understood that was because they wanted to help him. Sao is busy polishing shoes. Sao added that he had bought his grandmother a jacket with his earned money but did not know when he could send her. He is now under house treatment awaiting the surgery. “I get used to aunt Loc’s family lifestyle after staying at her home for a while. Everyday she cooks for the whole family, washes my clothes, and I make milk for myself. She had to ask others to fill her job of keeping motorbikes while she was taking care of me in the hospital.” said Sao. “My aunt Huyen came to see me from Lao Cai several days ago, she hugged me and cried then gave me cookies, candies, milk and money but I did not receive her money because I knew her family is also in need. I want to go to school but how should I start?” shared Sao. “Did your parents visit or call you?” I asked. He kept silent and tried not to cry out. The shoeshine boy dreams about a brighter life By early January 2010, leading heart specialists from the Malaysian Heart Hospital will come and help operate Sao’s heart. Loc and Sao want to express their most sincere thanks to the compassionate donators who have helped Sao. Dan Tri will keep you updated about Sao’s life and surgery result.


Sao has a delighted smile.